Hyper realistic blood:the game

My name is bale bhom today as I was looking on my computer to look up some new steam games being the cool and original gamer I am I started to look at the indie games. I was scrolling down the steam library when I saw a game that I've never seen before. It was called Hyper realistic blood: the game. I looked at the The only picture that went along with the game was the cover which looked like it was professionally made by a real graphic designer. I also saw that the game was made on 6/6/06 and the game cost $666 which was a very reasonable price for such a good quality game and so I bought the game but I also looked at a summary of the game which said this "This game was made by the Devil so don't play this game if you don't want to be soul fucked by the Devil and sent to hell to be his fuck buddy." I was horrified by this and had a stroke but I was a character in a creepypasta and decided to continue to download the game. When the download was done I decided to play it the game. When it booted up it went right into the games main menu which showed the cover of the game with a start button which leaked out hyper realistic blood as was usual for triple A games. I was excited to play the game and clicked start. As the game was loading the loading screen said "I hope you know how badly you fucked up faggot." I was slitting my wrist because of how rude that was when the level finally started. The first thing I noticed was the fact that there was no music. I had a heart attack because of how scared I was and also shat my pants but decided to go on playing. The main character finally popped up and I was suprised to see it was none other than Danny Devito. He was wearing nothing but a thong and his penis was so big that it took up a quarter of the screen. when he popped up the screen froze for a solid 666 seconds before a boat load of hyper realistic blood came out of the computer. But I didn't care I got to play as my celebrity crush Danny Devito who was just standing there looking at me until he said something TO ME!!!! "Hey shithead we gonna play or are we gonna wait until you stop nutting." I was hoping that he wouldn't have known that I was beating my dick to the man I've made several fan fics about but started playing. The music finally starting playing and it was the pizzeria theme song from Spider Man 2 the video game but heavily distorted so I shat my pants even more and the enemies were multiple Verne Troyers carrying turkey clubs who were destroyed in one blow each by Dannys god-like penis until we reached the boss. The boss was a an old man called "bootleg bill" and he said "Satan shall have use for your soul for it is tight and virgin." He said this while looking straight at me and puking hyper realistic blood on me. Danny Devito looked unafraid and said "I'm gonna hyper realistically slap you with my mighty dong." the battle started and the old crazy man starting throwing bootleg haunted games at Danny but Danny took no damaged and ended the boss with his new super move: Holy dong strike but before Bootleg Bill died he said "The Devil is still gonna butt rape you." After this Danny started doing a celebratory dance while I watched.....and fapped to. After this something big and red was right behind Danny. It was the devil from cow and chicken. He looked thiccer than usual but I could only look on in horror as he raped poor Danny in his anal hole and then looked directly at me with hyper realistic bloody eyes and said "Your turn thicc nigga" and came out of the screen to grab me and started to fill me with hyper realistic semen it was then that I realized something that changed me forever: THIS FUCKING GAME WAS HAUNTED!!!!!!!!!!!